Case Solutions
We list the connections that can be made for each case in Night Shift 2024, along with the diagnoses. Please proceed ONLY if you do not mind game spoilers.
Pierre – Brucellosis
Fever + Accent
Ask about recent travel
Fever + Night sweats
Ask about weight loss, cough, or HIV
Wife is not happy + Night sweats
Ask Pierre about body odor
Fever + Stiff neck
LP to rule out meningitis
Benjamin – severe injury
Fall from bicycle + Tenderness to neck with palpation
Ask about other symptoms
Steven – severe injury
S/P GSW + Dropped off by a friend
Ask Ian if this happens often here
Alex – severe injury
Degloving injury of L upper arm + Cannot feel L hand
Ask if he can feel his fingers
High speed rollover MVC + Hypotensive and tachycardic
Ask Ian about the incident
Darrell – severe injury
Wife worries about him + Fall on cliffs
Ask why his wife worries about him
Mary – Lemierre's disease
Hypotensive; tachycardic + PCP labwork: UA and CXR normal
Ask Mary about sepsis
PCP labwork: thrombocytopenia + PCP labwork: elevated creatinine
Ask about neuro complaints
Anterior cervical lymph nodes swollen + C/O sore throat, dizziness, headache, neck stiffness
Find the source of the infection
Prior history of pharyngitis + Hypotensive and tachycardic
Find the source of the infection
Jonathan – severe injury
Believes in personal accountability + S/P fall
Ask if he was doing something risky
Dorothy – Takotsubo's cardiomyopathy
No CAD risk factors + Non-radiating chest pressure and light-headedness
Ask what triggered the event
Helen – severe injury
Dizziness on standing + S/P fall
Ask if this has happened before
Linda – severe injury
Fell asleep at the wheel + MVC
Ask about recent fatigue
Clarissa – Niacin deficiency
Paresthesias in legs; worsening over several months + Agitation
Ask about mood swings
Chronically ill/cachetic appearing + Scar over left upper quadrant of abdomen
Inquire about possible PEG
Kevin – Measles
20 yo male + Rash: morbiliform; face, neck, trunk, palms/soles
Ask about vaccination history
C/O headache; no photophobia + C/O fever; myalgias; diarrhea, URI sx
Check for meningitis
C/O fever; myalgias; diarrhea, URI sx + Rash: morbiliform; face, neck, trunk, palms/soles
Ask about recent travel
Does not think he was vaccinated + Rash: morbiliform; face, neck, trunk, palms/soles
Ask if he noticed any symptoms prior to the rash